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Introduction to Pip

Hi friends! Welcome to my blog :) My name is Piper, but most of my friends call me a slew of nicknames like Pipe, Pipey, Pipes, Pipeydoodle, Pip (hence Pip Pip Hurray)... you get the point! I am a student at the University of Oklahoma, and I am currently finishing up my last semester before I graduate (don't remind me, I'm getting emotional about it). I am from Tulsa, OK originally, and I would love to go back someday, but my future is pretty up in the air right now so I am not sure when that might be. I am studying Health and Exercise Science with an emphasis on Pre-Occupational Therapy, and the goal would be to start OT school in Summer 2020. I'm super passionate about people and forming relationships, which is what drew me to OT. I love the idea of working in a profession that allows me to make new friends, love others, and solve problems all at the same time.

As well as my many nicknames, my friends call me an old lady at heart. I love to read (most recent book- Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens), garden (currently growing some herbs--basil and rosemary), cook (breakfast is my favorite), and wake up early. Basically, you could say I'm an old soul! As much as I love these things, I also really love adventure. Hiking, skiing, surfing, running, laking...anything outside--that's what I love most! I am so blessed to be apart of a community of people who also love these things, and so we are always adventuring and spending time outside which is such a blessing to me!

The morning sun on my front porch- the best time of day! 

A little more about me...I am a 1w2 on the Enneagram (a personality test that is scary accurate), which basically means I am a perfectionist, principled, rational, and an advocate for others. I thrive when I am following rules/doing the right thing and when other people are as well, and I love seeking improvement in myself and my environment.

Thanks for reading a little bit about me- I would love to hear from y'all if we have anything in common! Happy reading :)


  1. Hi Piper!

    I think it's awesome that you're pursuing a career in occupational therapy! Like you, I'm also super passionate about people and relationships and am wanting to go to PT school after I graduate (which is kinda similar hehe). It is kinda scary how accurate the Enneagram is... I love the Enneagram and force my friends to take it every chance I get! I'm a type 3 with a wing 2!

  2. Hi Piper!

    I'm also a graduating senior (although I have two semesters left) and, like you, I'm still unsure about where I'm going to end up after I graduate. I love how passionate you are about your major! It's awesome that you're able to turn the things that you love doing into a career. Breakfast is also my favorite (and about the only meal I can actually cook that isn't pre-packaged). I'm a 9 wing 1! So I can relate a lot to being a perfectionist and loving to seek improvement in myself.

  3. Hi Piper! I was growing basil for a few weeks and I absolutely loved having it. I must not have a green thumb through because it did not want to stick around very long. With that said, I am a fanatic about breakfast food. I actually just had breakfast for dinner! It is also really cool that you included you personality test!

  4. Hi Piper, it's nice to meet you!
    I'm also a senior, although I'll be graduating in May rather than in December. I hope you'll love OT school, and I bet you'll be amazing at it! I relate a lot to your passion for forming new relationships with people, as well as with your "old soul" - I'm sometimes convinced I'm about ninety years old at heart. I look forward to seeing more of your posts as the semester goes on!

  5. Wow, this is definitely the semester of the enneagram, Piper! I'm sure it is just some kind of freaky coincidence, but I don't think the enneagram has ever come up people's introductions before... but this semester I've seen it in three or four or maybe more introductions. And that's great: totally aside from the psychological science of it (about which I'll admit I know nothing!), the enneagram is such a great representational tool, a way to get at the complexity of real people with their fixations, temptations, fears, desires... if you can think about characters in stories as having enneagrams of their own, I'm sure that will let you bring them to life in powerful and surprising ways... as well as being something that other people in class will be curious to learn about too!

  6. Hi Piper,

    I am in the same boat with my friends calling me a grandma at heart, only because I have to be in bed by 10-11 or I get super cranky. I've seen a lot of the enneagram test results floating around on social media and I'm very curious on what the test will show me. I'm assuming it's like the Meyer-Briggs personality test but a little different. Good luck with your studies in OT school, one of my friends is pursuing that path and she is always studying!

  7. Hey there Piper! I have to say that I am a huge fan of your name, and it seems to really fit your personality. I am also perfectionist, rational, and advocate for others, and so we seem to have similar personalities! I also love to read as well, but unfortunately as I am going to medical school next year, I don't get to read for leisure as often as I would like to. My mother is a gardener, and I love to see her smile when planting new flowers in the backyard. I really appreciate the ability of gardeners to work so well with nature. I wish you the best of luck for your future!

  8. Hi Piper!! Congrats on the final semester!!! I wish I was as lucky to be that close. Mornings are the best time of the day!! breakfast food is probably the best food on the planet and I whole heartily believe that. A lot of people don't agree with my opinion, but they don't know the true awesomeness of mornings and how they can make your day great.

  9. Hi Piper! I liked how you started off your introductions with al of your nicknames. What a fun way to get to know you. I hadn't heard about the enneagram before, but after I finish my comments for the night you can bet that I am going to take it. I've been called an old soul my fair share of times as well. I never understood how my parents could wake up so early even on the weekends, but now I couldn't imagine it any other way.

  10. Hey Piper!

    I have heard so many good things about the Enneagram, but I've never taken it, so I need to set out some time to do that soon! I have also been called an old soul. Breakfast is definitely the best meal and no one can tell me otherwise. I've never really been a morning person, but the older I get, the more I am moving towards that and I'm not mad about it at all! I love mornings and morning coffee. Best part of the day, hands down!!

  11. Hi Piper!!
    I feel like we are very similar in some of our ways! I also like to wake up early, I feel as though it allows me to accomplish more throughout the day, otherwise I feel very behind. Also, I would cook every meal if I could; it is one of my favorite things to do, but my favorite meal to cook is dinner because I feel like it has the most options to work with (or I am just too lazy to cook in the morning!). Congrats on it being your last semester!!

  12. Hi Piper!

    Congrats on your last semester! It so great that you have found something you are so passionate about! I cannot believe I have found someone who likes to wake up early! I am the complete opposite lol. I am such a night owl! I hope you have a wonderful semester! I look forward to reading your stories as the semester goes!

  13. Hello there! I am a Pre-Med student here at OU and I want to pursue a health career for about the same reason that you do. I want to help and impact lives as much as my life has been impacted by people. It is very cool that you like to do so much like read, garden, cook, outdoor activities, etc. I used to be a big outdoor person, but nowadays I am so dang busy that it is hard to find time to spend outside. I should start putting that on my to do list so its a priority haha!

  14. Hi Piper,

    I am Pre-OT too! But I won't be going into the graduate program until summer 2021. Since you are apply to the program soon (or already have), where did you shadow/intern? I can't decide where do go!
    I don't necessarily like to wake up early. But if I sleep past 8 I can't sleep the next night. I also love to cook, although I am best at baking and prefer it. It was lovely to meet you!

  15. Hi Piper,

    Cool name! I'm a little jealous to be honest. I'm also in my last semester just like you. It sounds like you're pretty in tune with the type of person you are which is great! Have you taken the MBTI test before and know what your type is? I haven't taken the Enneagram yet but I've taken the MBTI and I'm an INTP. Anyway, see you at graduation in December!

  16. Hi Piper! I loved getting to learn a little about you in this blog post! I liked that you included information about your enneagram results! I have taken the test maybe 10 times or more, and get mixed results every time! I often test as a 2 with even wings (the Helper type) with 9 (the Peacemaker) following closely behind. I have started following countless Enneagram pages on Instagram to try and read up on each type to see which one I am! I know that personality tests don't define exactly who you are, but they sure are fun to read about!! Anyways, great post!! :-)

  17. Hi Piper,
    It is nice to meet you! I wish a had a cool nickname like you. We share the same passion for cooking; however, my finished product may not be as great as yours! I also love waking up early, because I can have time for myself and get some errands done. If I go to sleep late, though, it is hard for me to wake up early. Anyways, wishing you the best of luck!

  18. Hi Piper!

    Your nicknames are adorable! When I was little, I had quite a few nicknames but none of them really stuck. The only nickname that I am still called is Jess, which is what I typically go by. Congratulations on your December graduation. That is so exciting, yet scary at the same time. I hope that get into your dream Occupational Therapy school. You are going to have such an amazing impact on so many people by working in that field. Good luck with your last semester!

  19. Hi Piper!

    First of all, your blog title, "Pip Pip Hurray," is such a cute play on words with your similarly infectious and adorable name. Congrats on making it to your senior year! That is so amazing you are an aspiring occupational therapy major. It sounds like you want to use your many skills to improve the lives of others, which is so inspiring. I love how you mentioned you are an old soul. There needs to be more young people with passions like yours, in my opinion .

  20. Piper!!

    What a fun introduction. I love that you had so many nicknames, as I do as well! I think it is so interesting that you have an emphasis on occupational therapy because I looked into doing that, but decided otherwise. However, I still think it is such an incredible subject! I also think it is great that your passion for forming relationships is what brought you to this path! Can't wait to read some of your work.

  21. Hey Piper. Congratulations on graduating this year! I'm a senior too, so I understand both the excitement and the sadness you feel. Once you get started in OT school though, I bet you'll be pretty excited! I'm glad your pursuing your dreams and a career that makes you feel happy and fulfilled! It sounds like you have a really nurturing and helpful personality, so I'm sure you'll be great at helping patients with any kind of therapy. Good luck with the class, and good luck with OT school!

  22. Hey Piper! I enjoyed getting to know more about you through your introduction post. I'm graduating in the spring and to be honest, I have no idea how you're not freaking out. I definitely would not be ready to leave OU in just one month! On the bright side, it sounds like you might have some time to relax before you start OT school. I definitely admire that career path, by the way. There are a lot of people that would not be cut out for that field, but it sounds like you're really passionate about it! Looking forward to reading more of your work this semester!

  23. Hi Piper, nice to meet you! I graduate in December too, and I'm feeling a lot of feelings about it, lol. My friends also call me an old lady and a grandma, too — I love to do crossword puzzles, watch Jeopardy, and go to bed at 10 p.m. I read Where the Crawdads Sing this summer, and really enjoyed it! Anyway, it's really cool that you're wanting to go into OT. I have a friend at the HSC doing that program right now, and she's really excited about it. You sound really passionate about it, which is awesome. We need lots of people who love what they do in health fields!

  24. Hi Piper!
    Your nicknames are fun! I think it's awesome that you included your enneagram type, I'm a huge fan of the enneagram. I'm a 3w2. Congrats on being so close to graduating, hope you've enjoyed your time at OU! OT school sounds awesome, best of luck on that! It's cool that you like adventure sports, I also enjoy hiking and running. Have a good rest of your semester!

  25. Hey Piper!
    That is crazy how many nicknames you have! Do you happen to have a favorite one that people call you or do you like them all? I am also from Tulsa! Your major sounds interesting for sure. I know a couple of people in the same field and they say they love it. My freshman roommate now works with his dad for the Dallas Cowboys as one of the trainers, fun fact. My sister made me do an Enneagram as well and I was shocked by how on point it was ha. There is nothing wrong with reading, gardening, and waking up early at all. I do two of those things now and I am usually in bed by 10:30. I hope the rest of your semester goes by well!

  26. Hi Piper,

    You certainly have a name that lends itself to wide variety of nicknames! I won’t remind you that you’re graduating, but I’ll sneak in a “congratulations” anyway. Are you considering OT school at OU Med, or elsewhere?

    I don’t think that’s so much old soul as someone who likes some of the good things in life, and I think it’s great!


  27. Howdy Piper,

    I really like all of the nicknames that you have and am glad you included them in your intro. Nicknames are a lot of fun and I definitely have plenty for my friends. Wow, you’re from Tulsa and like surfing, that is quite the combination. How did you develop that passion while being in a land locked state?

  28. Hi Piper!

    It is nice to meet you! That is so cool that you have so many nicknames. I cannot imagine having so many ways being called, but I guess my name is not as interesting as yours haha. I need to do my enneagram test as I always hear people talking about it. Good luck the rest of this semester!

  29. Hi Piper, It's cool that you've taken the Enneagram test! I had no idea what it was until recently when a group of my friends and I decided to take it out of curiosity. It turns out that I'm a 3w2 which seems pretty accurate. I hope you have a fun few weeks before graduation and enjoy your last semester here!


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