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My Storybook Favorites

I looked through many of the storybooks, but I was drawn to stories that I could best relate with. The stories I will be summarizing are BadAss Biblical Women, Sponge Stories, and Odysseus Goes Shopping. Reading the titles, it's hard to understand how I could relate to all three of these because they are so different, but this will become clear as I summarize them. Thanks for reading, friends!

Yes please! Sticky buns 

BadAss Biblical Women:
I loved this storybook because I was able to relate it to my own religious background and because I think there are so many bad a** women in the Bible who are not spoken for or remembered! These women would not have been spoken about in the Bible if they did not have a purpose, and so I think it's super cool that the author of this storybook noticed that and did her part to represent and share their stories. The author did a great job of giving biblical details while also finding outside knowledge of these women, and weaving it together to share each of the three stories included in this storybook.

Sponge Stories:
I related with these stories because I grew up watching Spongebob religiously. I LOVED this show. When I saw someone wrote a storybook about it, I knew this was a must-read for me. In this storybook, I really appreciated that the author used humor and wrote from the perspective of Spongebob. I think the author did a great job of representing the different stories and finding the parallels between the stories and Spongebob, which was really fun and interesting to read. The website was easy to navigate and included pictures and videos, which made it intriguing and more enjoyable to look at.

Odysseus Goes Shopping:
I was a little confused when I first opened this storybook because I did not blatantly see an introduction (apparently I need things blunt and right in front of my face, no reading between the lines for me!), but then after clicking around I just realized it was named something different and I got to reading. I loved the author's note of how she dedicated her storybook to her husband, the romantic in me thought that was so sweet. Each story in this book was so well written, entertaining, attention-holding, and intentional. The recipes included at the end were such a sweet touch, and I am kind of interesting in actually trying some of them. I would say this is arguably my favorite storybook that I read, although I was not a huge fan of the design of the website (but this is a minor, personal problem).


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