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The Lonely Lion's New Love--Week 2 Story

The Lonely Lion's New Love

One day, a lion named Androcles left his cave and his family in search of something more. He was tired of living the same life and doing the same, mundane things every single day. He needed change and excitement because, after all, he was middle-aged and still had not found his mate. After leaving his cave, he wandered for what felt like weeks. He came across no lionesses that seemed like a good fit for him, and he was beginning to become dejected. All of a sudden, he heard the most horrible, saddening cry. He was frightened by the noise, but was brave and so went to see what caused the awful shriek. As he got closer and closer to the cry, he was able to see that it was a beautiful gazelle. Androcles saw that the gazelle was trapped in a roped netting that was presumably set up by a hunter. The gazelle was so terrified that she did not even see Androcles approach the trap. He circled the netting, trying to find a way to save the gazelle, selfishly doing so so that he would have a meal for the day. When he finally found a way to release her, she was so thankful to her hero, Androcles the lion. She began to speak to him, hoping he would not eat her and he would again spare her life. After talking for a while, the lion realized how wonderful the gazelle was. They fell in love and spent every moment together, and every lion in the land knew that Androcles and the gazelle were meant to be, though it was unlike the social norm of the safari.

Gazelle by wreindl 

A few years later, Androcles and the gazelle were searching and hunting to find food for their family when they were attacked and captured by a group of hunters. Androcles tried to plead with them to be set free so he and the gazelle could return to their family, but the hunters would not listen. The hunters did not realize that Androcles and the gazelle were in love, and so they sentenced the gazelle to be placed in the same pin as the lion, assuming the lion would attack the gazelle. Much to the surprise of the hunters, the lion did not attack the gazelle but saved her and they escaped. Androcles and the gazelle ran far away and lived the rest of their life in hiding. Though this seems like an unfortunate ending, they were very happy because they were together, and that is all that matter to Androcles and the gazelle.

Author's Note: I chose to write my story based off of Androcles and the Lion because I loved the loyalty shown in the original story, and how kind both Androcles and the Lion were. I wanted to add an aspect of love, but keep the kindness and loyalty.
Bibliography: "Androcles and the Lion" from The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs. Web Source.


  1. Hello again Piper!

    I was not familiar with the story of Androcles before, but I really loved your retelling of it. I hate to admit it, but I am a total sucker for love stories so I really liked how you modified the original to add the angle of love in. I loved the ending! I thought it was fun that love saved the day in the end.

  2. Hi Piper!!

    I really enjoyed reading your story. I feel like I would have spent a good five minutes thinking about the plural form of Lioness. I think a Gazelle was a really interesting choice for Androcles to fall in love with. I definitely did not think that's where you were going with the story, but I was pleasantly surprised. I could feel that old, ancient Greek style of writing surface in your story and I think it really made the story! This definitely seems like it took a lot of work, so great job!!


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