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Reading Notes: Aladdin and the Lamp

Focusing on the Setting:

This week I am starting a new note-taking strategy using the "Focus on the Setting." I thought it would be cool to talk about the setting when reading the Aladdin and the Lamp stories because I have seen the movies and I have a picture in my head. Although, I can imagine that the imagery will be different in the story. I am excited to be able to write about the imagery that I read instead of just see it on a screen.

"Play all day in the streets with little idle boys like himself" This sentence allows me to imagine Aladdin playing in the streets with all of the little boys who were poor and only knew the streets.

Aladdin went on a journey through gardens, fountains, and to the mountains. I picture this as green and luscious and beautiful, and then becoming desert-like as they neared the mountains. This would have been so cool for Aladdin to see because he was used to only seeing the streets.

I picture the part of the story when Aladdin walks down the stairs as a frightening experience for him. I think that seeing the ground open up and stair appear out of the earth would be so scary and unexpected. I think that when he walked down the stairs, he again came across beauty and newness, different than anything he had seen. I picture it being lush and full of growth and life, but with Aladdin being the only person or animal there.

"Have you not heard of Prince Aladdin's palace," was the reply, "the greatest wonder of the world?" This line allows me to imagine so much of what Aladdin's palace would be. I think it would have been so grand, and sprawled across so many miles of the kingdom. The architecture would have been traditional and intricate, and I can picture it being lined with gold trimmings and details. I think there would have been guards at every door and gate, and the people would have stared from the outside wishing they could go in. 

This is similar to what I imagine that Aladdin saw in pt. 1 (by 2nd lt. Allie Delury)
Aladdin and the Lamp pt. 1 and 4, Andrew Lang


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