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Week 10 Reading Notes pt B: Tejas Legends

Because I am planning on entering the health field, I thought it would be interesting to focus Wednesday's notes on "How Sickness Entered the World." Although I really enjoyed all of the readings from the Tejas unit, this one stuck out to me. I am doing a normal, classic note-taking strategy since I tried a new strategy for Tuesday's notes. The style I usually stick to is bullet points of important sentences and topics, that way I can look back and easily remember what is going on.

How Sickness Entered the World:

  • two young Indians killed a messenger from the Great Spirit
    • before this happened, there was no sickness and people lived very long lives
  • a very old, wise man was dying 
  • the Great Spirit wanted to teach the man how to leave his wisdom with his tribe
    • he was going to send a messenger (remember above^^) to tell him how to do this 
  • because the old man was so sick and dying, he needed people to go to meet the messenger for him. 
    • he sent two young Indian men to meet up with the messenger for him 
  • a large snake approached the men as they waited for the messenger 
    • obviously, this scared them and so they beat it until it died
    • when I read this, I thought it definitely would have scared me too! I would have done the exact same thing as the men in this situation. 
  • when the old man found out, he said trouble was coming and then he died! very sad. 
  • the messengers tried to take the snake somewhere else so that they did not get the bad mojos. 
    • the mate of the snake that they killed came and laid eggs everywhere that that people had moved this snakes 
    • these eggs turned into sickness, which is how the first sickness entered the world. 
The Snake 

Bibliography: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and Other Indian Legends retold by Florence Stratton and illustrated by Berniece Burrough (1936).


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