- Looking Back: Looking back on the first 8 weeks of this semester, I am really happy with my progress so far. I have been able to stay on track almost every week, despite having a super busy schedule. Some weeks are very structured and I stay on a strict schedule, whereas other weeks I fly by the seat of my pants and do the assignments whenever I have a free moment. I prefer structured weeks! I have enjoyed most and am most proud of my website about Ruth and Boaz. I have loved working on it and getting to learn more about this beautiful story.
- Looking Forward: Looking forward to the rest of the semester, I don't see myself changing a lot. One of my courses is about to end because it was 8 weeks long, and so thankfully this will give me more time to focus on my blog and website. I am really looking forward to continuing to develop my blog and especially my website. I can't wait to see where this course takes me!
Einstein will inspire me to finish strong!
Hey there! I also had a course that was eight weeks long that just ended, and it feels so nice to have more time opened up to work on this class. Good job on keeping up with all the assignments, I know how hard that can be on busy weeks. I am just like you and prefer structured weeks, but at times life gets in the way and we just have to do what we can in the moment!!