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Week 9 Story: Justice is Served

 Justice is Served
The husband and wife were so in love. They were ever thankful to the doctor for introducing them to each other. If it weren't for him, they would have never found each other. But that's beside the point. What they were really interested in was the money. They loved each other but they were both greedy. They thought they could never be ultimately happy unless they were rich. They both had worked for the doctor at one point or another, and so they knew that he had more money than he knew what to do with! The husband and wife were talking one night about their lack of income and how neither of them held jobs. They decided that their best bet would be to deceive the doctor and take his money!
The next day, the husband went to the doctor and asked if he could borrow some money to help his wife, who was sick. The doctor willingly gave the husband money, because he trusted him and wanted the wife to get better. A week later, the husband returned, claiming his wife had died. The doctor was shocked and offered a lot of money to the husband in order to pay for a funeral. The husband took the money home to his wife, who was alive and well! They celebrated that night with a steak dinner and a bottle of wine.
The next week, the wife went to the doctor's wife. She asked the doctor's wife if she could have some money for her husband who was sick. She willingly gave the wife money because she wanted the husband to get better quickly. The next week, the wife returned and informed the doctor's wife that the husband had passed away. The doctor's wife offered a lot of money for a funeral and burial service. The wife went home and her and her husband celebrated with a chicken dinner and another bottle of wine.
That same night, the doctor and his wife sat down dinner together. As they talked about the happenings of the last week, they both mentioned a death in the community, although one mentioned a husband and the other a wife. As they discussed this more, they realized they were speaking of the same couple! They then realized they had been deceived. Immediately, they formulated a plan to catch the husband and wife the very next day. They deserved to pay for what they had done!
The next day, the doctor and his wife woke up very early and went to the husband and wife's house, police officers in tow. They knocked on the door very loudly until someone finally unlocked the door and turned the handle. The shocked expressions on the husband and wife's face when they saw the doctor and his wife were priceless! Immediately, police officers jumped out and arrested the husband and wife. Justice had been served!

~Justice is served~

Author's Note:
This story was originally about a husband and wife who were very clever in the ways that they got money from a doctor who had introduced them. At the end of this story, instead of getting mad when he found out they had been stealing money from him, the doctor laughed and thought it was a great joke. I did not really like the ending because it did not serve the husband and wife justice!

Bibliography: Filipino Popular Tales by Dean S. Fansler (1921), a publication of the American Folk-Lore Society


  1. Hi Piper!

    I enjoyed reading your story! It read very smoothly and was the perfect length. I liked you ended this story. I agree and think that your ending is way more realistic than the ending in the original story. If one of my close friends deceived me and took my money, I definitely would not be laughing. Great job on your story!

  2. Hi Piper!

    I loved how your developed the husband and wives as a character unit. Their greedy intentions and motives are the things that most likely, make them perfect for each other. I was curious to know if the woman was even ill to begin with. Or was this just a ploy to take advantage of the doctor? It was satisfying to read a resolution of the major conflict within the plot; there was a price to pay for the villainous characters of the story. Fantastic job!

  3. Piper!

    You are an engaging writer - this was such a fun story! I love how full circle it was. I also think it was fantastic that you decided to serve justice to the husband and wife. I read a story where I did not like the ending and so I also rewrote it to service justice in the end. Awesome job!

  4. Hey Piper! I really enjoyed your story for this week. It was a really cool idea to take the original story and change the ending so that the husband and wife faced the justice they deserved. I'm really glad the doctor and his wife figured out what was going on so they could catch the couple stealing money from them! If that doctor was me, I definitely wouldn't have laughed it off in the end, like the doctor did in the original story. Great job this week!

  5. Hi Piper,

    Your strict sense of right and wrong has certainly come down hard on this husband and wife! :D

    I like the parallelism in this story between the husband’s lies to the doctor and the wive’s lies to the doctor’s wife. It might have been fun if you added more layers to the story too, where, say, one of them lies to the doctor’s kids, and another to the doctor’s assistant, and so on, spinning out a whole web of intrigue that then comes crashing down.


  6. Hi Piper! I think your ending is much better than the original story's... it's always nice to see justice served and for good rather than bad to be rewarded. I think it would have been really fun to go into a bit more detail about the characters in the story, especially the husband wife, to learn a little more about them beyond just that they're greedy. You're a really great writer, and I enjoyed reading this! Awesome job!

  7. Hi Piper! I really enjoyed reading your story as this was one of the stories I read when I did the Filipino Unit! I also agree that I did not enjoy the story because the husband and wife did not get justice at the end. I did a retelling and made an ending similar to yours. It was exciting to see someone had a similar thought as me.


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