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Famous Last Words: 29 Days Left

Woah! 29 days left until the beginning of the rest of my life. Now that is a weird thought! I feel like I just started college a few months ago, but here I am, approaching my last finals week, finishing up my last few assignments, and preparing for my lasts tests in my undergraduate career. I have absolutely loved my time in college. I have made some amazing friends, learned about topics and things that I will use for the rest of my life, and learned SO much about myself. 
As I approach the last few weeks of my undergraduate career, I am really trying to stay motivated and appreciate my time in Norman. I live with 7 wonderful roommates, and I have been trying to spend as much time with them as possible. We have been having movie nights, cooking together, and basically spending every waking moment together. I cherish my time with them and I truly don't know what I am going to do when we don't all live together anymore! 
I am also working hard to stay motivated in my classes. This semester has been hard, coursework wise, because I am in 18 hours and they all are very assignment-heavy instead of exam-heavy. Although I appreciate not having to study as much, I am running out of steam and motivation to finish all of my assignments every week. I am hoping to get ahead in this class over the next week or so, and hopefully be finished with all of the M/F assignments by Thanksgiving break. That way, I will have one less class to focus on during dead week and finals. 
Overall, college has been absolutely wonderful and such a learning experience for me. I am so excited about graduation and I cannot wait to see what's to come. It's closing time! 


  1. Hi Piper! I relate to this post so much. I'm also about to graduate in a few weeks and I think it's so crazy to even think about it. I've been trying to stay motivated for all of my classes but man, I think senioritis has been hitting me so hard and I'm just being slow. However, we got this! Congrats in advance on graduating!

  2. Hello Piper!
    First off, CONGRATS on being in the final stages of college. I only have one more semester after this one and thats such a crazy feeling so I can only image how you must be feeling. Graduating from college is such a marvelous accomplishment that only so many people get to do. I am sure you will enjoy what you find coming around the corner as you move on to the next chapter of your life! Again Congrats, I am so excited for you!


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