I am doing another set of reading notes on Alice in Wonderland. This has been one of my very favorite weeks of reading yet this semester! I think the stories are so sweet and enjoyable to read, and I really have been loving the throwback to my childhood. Of part B, my favorite story was "Who Stole the Tarts?" and so that is what I am going to focus my notes on. I am doing the same style of notes as part A; summarizing and sharing some of my own thoughts.
- The first paragraph did an amazing job of presenting imagery and explaining the setting to readers. I immediately understood what was going on, and I even felt sort of hungry when Alice mentioned how good the tarts looked!
- I loved getting to read Alice's thoughts and feel her confidence as she knew the names of all of the people, creatures, and animals that made up the court system. It was so cute how proud of herself that Alice was.
- It made me laugh when the pencil was annoying Alice and she went and took it from Bill the Lizard. I could almost feel his confusion as I read the story. I laughed out loud when the author wrote that Bill wrote on his slate with his finger for the rest of the trial, which left not even a mark.
- I was a little confused when it said that Alice was growing. I did not know if this meant that she was actually growing, or if it meant figuratively.
- This trial was honestly so funny. They kept writing plays on words, and everyone was confused the entire time.
- I didn't remember Alice getting called to the stand to be a witness, but it was a funny end to the story. I definitely was not expecting it.
Bibliography: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865)
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